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Never Let Your Online Presence Become Stagnant

Website DesignSearch engine algorithms are constantly being adapted to provide users with the latest content that is relevant to their search word or phrase.

In order to have a successful online presence, you need to ensure that your website is constantly updated with the very latest new and info that is relevant to your business, your audience and your industry.

Allowing your online presence and profiles to grow stagnant can be very damaging, especially where search engine optimization (SEO) is concerned. It is essential that you make the time and invest in the resources to keep all of your online properties fresh and up to date.

Adding new content to your website will certainly improve your SEO, but what about the rest of your online audience? With an effective social media strategy you can use your established online audience to help you reach out to a new audience.

Make sure that every time you add a new blog, new article or update to your website that you notify your online audience through email campaigns and social media updates.

You can use programs like Hootsuite to automate your social media posts, so your social media profiles can post out new content even when you are busy doing other things!

However, you can’t expect your online audience to share your content without some persuasion. You need to invest time engaging with your audience online so they, in turn, will willingly spread the word about your content and your company.

What Should I Write About?

First of all, before you begin writing, you should think about the keywords and phrases your online audience will use to find your website. Google offers a free keyword tool that will give you ideas and data on search frequency.

Once you know what keywords to focus on you can create content that is related to these keywords. Here are some ideas for you to think about:

Monitor your blog traffic and see which articles are generating the most hits online and on your social media profiles; this will help guide you for writing new content in the future.

Spending some time creating new content and promoting your posts through your social media profiles will help to ensure that your online presence does not grow stagnant.

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